Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani

How To Prevent Clutter Build Up During The Holidays

Preventing clutter buildup during the holidays can be a challenge, but with some mindful planning and intentional actions, it's definitely possible. Here are some tips to help you keep clutter at bay during the festive season:

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Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani


Reducing waste during the holiday season is an excellent way to minimize your environmental impact. Here are some tips to help you reduce waste and have a more sustainable holiday season:

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Digital photo organizing Michelle Parravani Digital photo organizing Michelle Parravani

How to Routinely Organize & Store Your Overabundance of Digital photos.

Are you dreading making your family’s year-in-review photo-book because you have one giant file folder of thousands of photos to scan through? We’re here with the solution! We’re sharing three simple, easy-to-maintain organization solutions for your photos that will make searching and choosing your favorite pics a breeze

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Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani

How to Organize a Desirable Learning Space for Kids at Home.

Having a high-quality homeschool space or workspace for each member of the family is important because it provides a dedicated area for learning and productivity. A well-organized and comfortable space can help improve focus, reduce distractions, and ultimately enhance the overall learning experience. I’m sharing tips for a space that offers structure, productivity, and creativity.


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Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani

3 Helpful Storage Ideas for a Highly-Organized Outdoor Space

Summer is in full bloom, so we need to talk about outdoor storage solutions. Outdoor storage helps to keep outdoor spaces organized and free of clutter. Without proper storage, items such as garden tools, hosting gear, and toys can accumulate and create a disorganized and potentially hazardous environment. Today, on the blog I will be sharing three storage solutions that can simplify your life and keep your outdoor space tidy…

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Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani

All Those Mugs!

Are you tired of opening your kitchen cabinet only to be greeted by a sea of mugs staring back at you? Do you have more mugs than friends to share them with?

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Michelle Parravani Michelle Parravani

How to Style Shelves & Bookcases Like a Pro

Is your bookcase currently functional and fashionable, or is it a catch-all for the things that don't have a home? More often than not, it's the last one, and that's why we're diving into the inspiring world of styling today. We're going to show you exactly how you can take the existing items in your home from boring to well-designed in just a few hours.

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