Home Organization Tricks for a Healthy, Happy School Year


The back-to-school season brings significant changes for families, as they prepare to send their children back to school. These changes include adjusting to new schedules, routines, and responsibilities, as well as purchasing school supplies and new clothes. Adapting your home to these changes can help ease the transition and ensure that everyone is prepared for the school year ahead. This may include organizing study spaces, creating a homework station, and establishing routines for morning and evening routines that allow for time to complete homework and get a good night's sleep.

Tip #1: Organize an Efficient & Optimal Entryway

Creating a highly-functional entryway can make a big difference in keeping your home organized and efficient. Consider including features such as a drop zone for backpacks, shoe bins, coat hooks, and storage for sports equipment to keep your entryway clutter-free and easy to navigate. Incorporating these elements will not only make your daily routine smoother but also help create a welcoming first impression for guests.

 Tip #2: Set Up a Dedicated Space for Self-Service

Setting up a self-serve meal area in your home can be an easy and effective way to promote healthy eating habits and independence in children. A dedicated cabinet or breakfast bar can work well to provide easy access to breakfast and after-school snacks, allowing kids to make healthy choices on their own. Try it out and see how it can transform mealtime in your household!

When setting up a self-serve meal area for your children, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that it is effective and safe. Here are some tips to consider:

Choose a location that is easily accessible for your children. If you have younger children, consider placing the self-serve area at a lower height so they can reach it easily.

Stock the area with healthy options such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, and low-fat dairy products. Avoid stocking the area with unhealthy snacks like chips, candy, and sugary drinks.

Make sure that the self-serve area is well-lit and organized. Use clear containers to store the food so that your children can easily see what is available.

Encourage your children to make their own choices, but also teach them about portion sizes and the importance of a balanced diet.

Set some rules around the self-serve area. For example, your children should ask for permission before using it, and they should clean up after themselves.

By setting up a self-serve meal area, you can empower your children to make healthy choices on their own while also promoting independence and responsibility. Give it a try and see how it can benefit your family!

 Tip #3: Find & Install a Family Information Center

Developing a family information center is a great way to keep everyone in the household organized and on the same page. Consider hanging monthly calendars with all sports and school events, creating a magnetic board for hanging homework or important documents, and adding a bulletin board for notes and reminders. By having a centralized location for important information, everyone can stay informed and prepared for upcoming events and tasks.


These simple organizing tips can bring more peace, clarity, and ease into daily life during the upcoming school year by reducing clutter, promoting efficient use of time, and reducing stress associated with disorganization. By implementing these tips, individuals can enjoy a more structured and productive day-to-day routine.






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