Michelle and Saffron

About Us

As dog mums and avid dog lovers, it made sense that Saffron and I met at a dog park. As we were chatting, we realized we had more than our love of our fur-children in common; we both share a passion for organizing, home-styling, and giving back to the local community.

Our mutual passions led us to the creation of Designing with Less - a service that aims to create stylish and effortless spaces by helping people donate their unneeded belongings and build organization systems that last. Our motto, "Give Back by Letting Go" reflects our belief that you can benefit the lives of those less fortunate while creating stylish and organized spaces in your home.


Meet Michelle

From: Norwich, UK

Lives: Atlanta, GA

Favorite thing to style: Closets. I find organizing and streamlining closets to be very therapeutic. Folding clothes is my jam.

Spirit animal: butterfly

Guilty pleasure: Cheese and pickle sandwiches. Alon’s bakery mini key lime pies. Anthropologie. Oh! Jeni’s Ice Cream!

Pet peeve: Gum chewing and talking with a mouth full of food.

Fave stylist: Brian Patrick Flynn. I love his versatility. He never seems to do the same thing twice. Not only is his style impeccable, he’s so freakin’ funny.


Meet Saffron

From: Dorset,  UK

Lives: Atlanta, GA by way of San Francisco, Amsterdam and London.

Favorite thing to style: My home. I change it around all the time, moving furniture, lamps, switching out cushions and artwork. It keeps my home looking fresh and I like to surprise my hubby and daughter!

Spirit animal: Squirrel

Guilty pleasure: Humbug mints when I can get them and marmite! But not together.

Pet Peeve: People who squeeze toothpaste from the middle of the tube!

Fave stylist: Emily Henderson I love her effortless styling,  she’s got a beautiful creative eye for the things that matter big and small.

“Designing with Less brought organization and functionality to a jumbled closet in our school.

With so many people coming and going and using the space as that closet where you throw everything you don't know what to do with, it was a challenge to get started. With great humor and energy Shelly and Saffron pushed up their sleeves and quickly whipped it into shape. I'd definitely use their services again.”

— Margaret Waterbury, Pre-School Principal